Our Mission
Good news: the world is better (than most of us think)!
Inspiring news and facts
Good things and inspiring stories are happening every single day all around the world.
But we seldom hear or read about them.
The problem: Good news hardly makes headlines.
twib: is going to change that.
Better life, better future
twib: is the platform for good news only. twib: focusses on what’s going right in our world.
twib: features global news and facts, which prove things are getting better.
Towards a better life and better opportunities for many people. Towards solutions for a better future of planet earth. And to show that, Homo sapiens actually is a caring, loving and generous species by nature.
twib: summarizes these news and trends for you with the goal to create some serious optimism about the world and its people.
Join and send good news
twib: wants you to Become a Twibber and join the community of like-minded people, who share an optimistic outlook for our future; seeing the glass as half full opposed to half-empty.
Daily optimism
twib: delivers your daily dose of positive information, triggering good feelings and putting a smile on your face.