Mechuka, also known as Menchukha, is a small town located close to the border of India and China, Mechucka, West Siang, Arunachal Pradesh, India. Photo Credit: Photography by Abhey Singh/Getty Images
Society IndiaA New Era of Peace: Border Dispute Resolved in Historic Deal
China and India struck a deal to resolve a border dispute in the western Himalayas’ Ladakh region, ending a four-year military standoff and establishing a foundation for peace along the shared border.
“Recently, China and India have maintained close communication through diplomatic and military channels on issues relating to the China – India border,” explains China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Lin Jian. “At present, the two sides have reached a solution to the relevant issues, which China views positively.”
Thousands of soldiers have been pulled back from the narrow strip surrounding the Line of Actual Control, an unofficial division about 3,488 kilometres long in the Himalayas, and no patrols will be sent. The section separates Chinese and Indian-held territories from Kadakh in the western part of India’s eastern state of Arunachal Pradesh; China claims the entirety of the territory as part of its Tibet region. Details about the agreement will be issued in due course.