Mr Marie Mio, a resident of Mauritius. Photo Credit: WHO/Blink Media/Gilliane Soupe

HealthSociety Mauritius2. May 2024

Adopting Specialized Healthcare for the Elders

To better meet the needs of its older population, the Government of Mauritius is adopting a holistic and person-centered approach, thus shifting the health system to promote well-being, prevent poor health, and ensure care and early diagnosis.

“The Government of Mauritius is strongly committed to providing senior Mauritian citizens with holistic, person-centred care, using the proactive approach recommended in the WHO Integrated Care for Older People approach, to optimize autonomy and quality of life throughout the ageing process,” explains The Honourable Dr Kailesh Kumar Singh Jagutpal, Minister of Health and Wellness.

In 2000, 9% of the population was aged 60 and above. In 2021, that proportion more than doubled, reaching 18.7%. According to estimations, 36.5% of the population would be 60 or older by 2061. In 2023, Mauritius launched its first National Integrated Care for Older People (ICOPE) Strategic and Action Plan (2023-2026), developed with the support of the World Health Organization, to promote healthy aging. Far-reaching and ambitious, ICOPE includes 7 key objectives, with 55 activities – like national campaigns and television broadcasts to raise awareness of health issues, systematic and early screening for physical and mental impairments, and referrals to services – due to be deployed over the next 3 years, with some are already underway.

World Health Organization

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