The ‘chocolate frog’, Litoria mira, which an Australian scientist discovered in New Guinea swamps. Photo Credit: Queensland Museum Network

Animals New Guinea27. June 2021

Scientists Identify a New “Chocolate”- Colored Frog!

Following research and genetic analysis, the cocoa-colored creature spotted back in 2016 in the rainforest swamps of New Guinea has been officially identified as a new species of frog, dubbed the chocolate frog.

“We named the new frog Litoria mira because the word ‘mira’ means surprised or strange in Latin,” says Paul Oliver of Queensland Museum and Griffith University in Australia, who was in charge of the genetic work. “It was a surprising discovery to find an overlooked relative of Australia’s well-known and common green tree frog living in the lowland rainforests of New Guinea.”

The closest relative of the Australian green tree frog has evolved into a genetically distinct species. The tiny frog – measuring between 7cm and 8cm once fully mature – has subtle patches of lavender behind the eyes, and absolutely needs swamps to thrive, so it isn’t expected to be spotted in Australia anytime soon.

The Guardian

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