The photograph shows three vials containing an ensemble of photonic CNC particles dispersed in three different solvents: water, water: ethanol and ethanol. Photo Credit: Benjamin Droguet / University of Cambridge

Technology UK12. December 2021

Colorful “Vegan” Glitter Now Exists!

A team of scientists affiliated with Cambridge University, located in the United Kingdom, managed to invent a biodegradable glitter that doesn’t contribute to the ocean plastic crisis.

“It will be just as annoying—but it won’t harm the planet and is safe for your little ones,” says study senior author Professor Silvia Vignolini. “We believe this product could revolutionize the cosmetics industry by providing a fully sustainable, biodegradable, and vegan pigment and glitter.”

Made from cellulose nanocrystals naturally clear, the green alternative to microplastic glitter creates color through self-assembly, the process that turns clear water into colorful and shimmering soap bubbles. It could also replace “natural glitters” such as mica and titanium dioxide, the latter being potentially carcinogenic.

Eco Watch

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