President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo. Photo Credit: Mohamed Messara/EPA
Society Equatorial GuineaDeath No Longer a Punishment Here
The central African country of Equatorial Guinea has abolished capital punishment following the adoption of a new penal code, a historic win for human rights.
“I am writing in capitals to seal this unique moment: ‘EQUATORIAL GUINEA HAS ABOLISHED THE DEATH PENALTY’,” writes vice-president Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue on Twitter.
Already approved by parliament, the new law signed by President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo will come into force within 90 days after its publication in the official state journal. According to Amnesty International, the oil-rich country carried out its last official execution in 2014. The new law is a historic event for Equatorial Guinea.