White-grey chinchilla. Photo Credit: Pornpimon Lekudom/Getty Images

Animals12. January 2025

Fur Farming Is Officially Out of Business Here

With an overwhelming majority, Romania voted in favour of a ban on fur farming, thus becoming the 22nd European country to put an end to a cruel and unjustified practice.

Romania’s fur industry has declined in recent years, going from more than 150 fur farms in 2013 to around a dozen in 2022. On January 1st, 2027, the ban on fur farming will become effective.

There are only two fur farm industries left in Romania – chinchilla and mink – and Parliament voted massively in favour of a ban, with 217 in favour, six against, and nine either abstaining or declining to vote. This latest addition to the list of countries banning fur farming comes on the heels of a bill to ban imports and sales in the United Kingdom, further proving that there is a worldwide momentum toward the definitive end of fur farming and the use of fur in fashion. Furthermore, it has been proven that fur farming threatens public health. Indeed, zoonotic diseases could potentially cause the next pandemic. Viruses in foxes, mink, and raccoon dogs coming from fur farms in China could spill over and infect humans.

Humane Society

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