Commuters wait for a train in Mumbai, India, the world’s most populous country. Photo Credit: Divyakant Solanki / EPA

EnvironmentSociety The World1. December 2024

Population Peak: We Won’t Put As Much Pressure on the Planet As We Thought!

The latest United Nations predictions reveal that the global population is set to peak earlier and at a lower level than expected.

“The earlier and lower peak is a hopeful sign. This could mean reduced environmental pressures from human impacts due to lower aggregate consumption,” says the UN undersecretary general for economic and social affairs, Li Junhua.

The report suggests that the global population will peak at 10.3 billion by the mid-2080s but fall to 10.2 billion by the end of the century, 6 per cent lower than expected a decade ago. Notably, 63 countries, including Germany, China, and Russia, have reached their population peak, and another 48 are expected to do so by 2054. Women having fewer children and decreased teenage pregnancies have contributed to the global decline.

The Guardian

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