Women attend a "Let's Talk About Yes' protest in Denmark. Photo Credit: Jonas Persson

Society Denmark22. January 2021

Sex Without Consent is Rape, Decides Denmark

Denmark will soon become the 12th country in Europe to finally recognize that sex without consent is rape, a huge step for Danish women, their rights, and their protection.

“This is a great day for women in Denmark as it consigns outdated and dangerous rape laws to the dustbin of history and helps to end pervasive stigma and endemic impunity for this crime,” says Anna Błuś, researcher at Amnesty International’s Women’s Rights. “This historic day did not come about by chance. It is the result of years of campaigning by survivors who, by telling their painful stories, have helped to ensure that other women do not have to go through what they endured.”

Greece changed its definition of rape in 2019, and Spain and the Netherlands intend to make changes to their national laws to include sex without consent as part of their definition of rape. Hopefully, this decision will encourage even more countries to amend their own laws.


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