HealthHealth Egypt
Historic End to Malaria in This Country, After 4,000 Years!
Egypt finally got rid of malaria, the mosquito-borne disease that plagued the African country for 4,000 years, fulfilling all the requirements for certification by the World Health Organization, after dedicated and concerted efforts from authorities and citizens alike.
HealthHealth The World
Lifesaving Investments Against Infectious Diseases Prove Worth Every Penny (and More!)
A recent study shows that the $100 billion invested in fighting infectious diseases in poor countries over the last 30 years generated almost $50 trillion and will have averted more than 40 million deaths by 2040.
HealthHealth Benin
Better Mosquito Nets for Even Better Malaria Protection
Bed nets remain one of the most effective tools against malaria, and second-generation mosquito screens have been successfully tested in West African countries like Benin, preventing a rise in cases and deaths from the life-threatening disease.