EnvironmentEnvironment Europe
“A Victory for Nature” – Land and Sea Restoration Takes the Stage
When Austria decided to back a nature restoration law, the European Union voted in favor of it, effectively pledging to restore 20% of land and sea by the end of the decade, which is a massive victory for Europe’s nature and citizens alike.
TechnologyTechnology China
World’s Largest Wind Turbines Installed in the Deep Sea!
Two of the world’s largest wind turbines ever built have been installed off the coast of China, prompting the expansion of the Asian country’s offshore wind farm in deep sea areas with even bigger turbines for domestic and international markets.
EnvironmentEnvironment USA
The Future of Marine Protection Looks Bright: First-Ever High Seas Treaty, Signed
With the international community stepping up its game to turn the "Climate Emergency, Biodiversity Loss and Pollution" ship around, countries have signed a first-of-its-kind high seas treaty in New York, United States, in a will to reach the target of protecting 30% of land and sea…
Society Mediterranean Sea
All Aboard to Explore (and Protect!) This Historic Underwater Site
A group of archaeologists from eight countries embarks on a mission to explore the Skerki Banks, a shallow region of the central Mediterranean Sea located between Sicily and Tunisia, to have a better understanding of the historic underwater site and thus better protect it.