United Nations
EnvironmentEnvironment Mediterranean
Money Granted to Keep Up the Impressive Work on Restoring Forests
Hard at work to restore degraded forests along the Mediterranean since 2017, an initiative has been recognized by the United Nations as one of the seven World Restoration Flagships, thus receiving financial support to further its impressive activities.
EnvironmentEnvironment Chinatw
This Country’s Restoration Efforts Have Not Gone Unnoticed!
The United Nations (UN) honored Shan-Shui, China's initiative to restore 10 million hectares of ecosystems, as a World Restoration Flagship, a special award that celebrates the initiative's drive to not only revive the natural world, but create jobs over the next decade.
EnvironmentEnvironment USA
The Future of Marine Protection Looks Bright: First-Ever High Seas Treaty, Signed
With the international community stepping up its game to turn the "Climate Emergency, Biodiversity Loss and Pollution" ship around, countries have signed a first-of-its-kind high seas treaty in New York, United States, in a will to reach the target of protecting 30% of land and sea…
SocietySociety The World
Safe Drinking Water For Everyone by 2030
The United Nations, in collaboration with the World Health Organization and UN-Water, has set forth new targets in an effort to ensure safe drinking water for all. “By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all,” states the first target…