Animals Greece
Rerouting All Our Ships, to Protect Our Threatened Whales
In an effort to avoid ship trikes with east Mediterranean sperm whales whose population risks extinction, a Greek shipping company has rerouted all its vessels, thus setting an example in the industry as key players in marine conservation.
Animals The World
Knowing When to Stop: How Wildlife Organizations Still Help By Stepping Aside
Wildlife organizations that outlive their usefulness are encouraged to step aside in favor of consolidations, which could increase efficiency and effectiveness in saving endangered species around the globe and preserving the environment.
- Animals
Animals South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands
No Fishing Here, to Keep Species Under the Sea Thriving
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands, a British overseas territory located north of Antarctica, is imposing new no-fishing zones within its existing marine protected area, expanding the prohibition of krill fishing in those frigid South Atlantic waters.
- Animals
Animals Canada
Less Decline, More Hope for Endangered Whales
According to the latest estimate, the population of the critically endangered North Atlantic right whales has stabilized, positive news after a decade of decline, and measures taken in Canada are proven to work to safeguard the mighty cetacean further.
- Animals
Animals Brazil
More Endangered Whales Are Swimming in These Warm Waters
Brazil’s southern right whale has been under surveillance for the last 15 years, and while experts continue to warn that the endangered species is still in need of protection, reports have seen a growth in numbers in recent years.
- Animals
- Animals