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Society9. September 2019

“No Guns, no Bullets”, Walmart Tells its Customers After Mass Shootings

In a remarkable reaction to the recent mass shootings in the country, Walmart, the leading supermarket chain in the United States, has taken ammunition off its shelves, reducing their profits from sales.

The top retailer’s CEO, Doug McMillon, shared the importance of Walmart’s step against gun violence, noting its influence as the world’s largest retailer and “the responsibility that comes with it.”

Walmart made the decision of discontinuing all sales of short-barrel rifle ammunition for military-style guns as well as handgun ammunition, following two shootings in its El Paso and Southaven stores this summer, employee protests against gun sales and numerous other mass shootings in the US. Customers are also requested not to openly carry guns anymore at the 4,700 Walmart stores across the nation, even if the respective state laws do allow firearms to be carried openly.

Business Insider

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