Police at a crime scene in Brunton Street, Glasgow, 1. September 2020. Photo Credit: Andrew Milligan/PA Images via Getty Images
Society ScotlandCrime Rate at Its Lowest in Five Decades
Scotland reports its lowest level of overall crime in a 12-month period since 1974.
“Continuing to reduce crime and the harm it causes both individuals and our society as a whole is central to our ambitious vision to reform our justice system,” says Justice Secretary Keith Brown.
The quarterly publication, Recorded Crime in Scotland, concluded that crime had fallen by a total of 43 percent since 2006-07. Notably, murder rates have significantly reduced. On the other hand, there have been more “online offenders” and sex offenses than ever before in Scottish history. Overall, the reduced crime rate is something to celebrate, while simultaneously acknowledging that there is more to be done especially in regard to the online realm.