Photo Credit: Rainer H.

Twibber Stories Germany12. August 2021

E-exploring through the Summer City

Summer in the city: as many of us now can work online, we decided to spend a few weeks in our old home town Berlin over the summer.

Soon I discovered the joy and practicability of e-scooters: parked at many street corners, you activate them with your mobile, step on board – and swoosh away. Too long a walk to the next train station – scooter it! Checking, where the next supermarket is – scooter scout it.

What’s really great: Berlin’s government has created bike and scooter lanes on almost all the important roads, turning two-lane car routes into one car/ one bike routes. I even went on a couple of joy rides with the e-scooters, wind and sun in my hair, the life of the city very close.

I know: people say the little engines use energy, too. And some drive them recklessly. But I love them – and to save energy I might get a bike with the same app next time…

Rainer Herbst, 55, Dubai, UAE

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