Image Credit: Colin Anderson Productions pty ltd
Environment The WorldGood News: Global Temperature Change Goals Are Well on Track!
The Inevitable Policy Responses’s latest findings predict that the world is on track to remaining well under 2°C in terms of temperature increase, meeting the Paris Agreement climate goals.
“This new 2023 forecast from IPR demonstrates the economic transition to net zero is well underway. It offers clarity on where, when, and how policies are expected to accelerate in response to growing climate risks this decade and beyond,” says Chief Sustainable Systems Officer at Principles for Responsible Investment, Nathan Fabien.
The forecast predicts that temperatures will peak between 1.7°C and 1.8°C and that, should further measures be taken, there is potential to achieve the 1.5°C goal by the 2120s. The findings further suggest that greenhouse gas emissions will have dropped by 80 percent by the year 2050. These positive trends may even encourage policymakers to invest more in negative emissions technologies, the report suggests.