Climate Change
- Environment
- Environment
Environment Republic of Congo
Country Recognized for Its High Ecological Integrity – a World First!
The Republic of Congo has become home to the world's first site recognized for its high ecological integrity, a measure of the region’s robust natural processes and resilience against disturbances essential for conserving biodiversity and mitigating the effects of climate change.
Environment Brazil
Climate Resilience Milestone: Thousands of Mangroves Planted Here
Over the last four years, thousands of mangrove trees have been planted in a previously deforested area in one of Brazil’s environmental protection areas, thus serving as a prime example of a natural means to improve climate resilience.
Environment Europe
Green Revolution: Tackling Climate Change with Nature-Based Solutions
Nearly all European cities are adopting nature-based solutions to mitigate the impacts of climate change, with Germany rising as a global leader in greening practices, according to the newly published nature-positive transition guidelines report.
Environment Europe
Green Deal is a Big Deal in Curbing Climate Change
In the wake of the upcoming EU elections, data show to what extent the European Union improved its climate performance following the implementation of the Green Deal and is on the right path to help the world avoid the devastating impacts of climate change.
- Technology
Environment Greece
Pledging Billions, All to Protect Our Oceans
At the 9th Our Ocean Conference in Athens, Greece, delegates from states, organizations, and philanthropic funds pledged $11.3 billion to protect oceans through commitments such as establishing marine protected areas (MPAs), combating illegal fishing, protecting marine biodiversity, and fighting climate change.
- Environment
Animals Cambodia
Colourful Corals Reproducing: a Rare, Breathtaking Sight
A team of marine biologists was lucky enough to witness the yearly massive spawning of corals in the Gulf of Thailand, proof that the marine species isn’t as threatened off the coast of Cambodia by climate change as it could be in other tropical waters.