The crayfish's dotted exoskeleton gave it its Latin name pulverulentus, which means "dusty." Photo Credit: Jiří Patoka

Animals21. January 2025

Hiding in Plain Sight: a New Species Might Already Be in Your Aquarium!

A new crayfish species has just been officially named after scientists found it “hiding in plain sight.”

“Taxonomy is essential for conservation. If a unique creature does not have a formal name, it is not eligible for the resources needed to manage and protect it,” explains Bronwyn Williams, research curator at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences.

The crustacean was discovered by scientists in a shipment of pet crayfish coming from Indonesian New Guinea. They estimate that the species, newly named Cherax pulverulentus, has been sold as a pet for more than two decades, mistakenly lumped together with other species of crayfish. Researchers have only been able to study the new species in captivity, but the hope is that it will soon be identified and analysed in its natural environment. Moreover, the finding coincides with another discovery of two new crayfish species in North Carolina, United States, earlier this month, emphasizing the importance of better management, identification, and protection for aquatic life. “We believe that our findings will help to highlight the importance of this island from a biodiversity perspective, and more conservation activities will apply there,” adds Jirí Patoka, a zoologist and co-author of the study.


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