Taiwan has undergone a cultural shift regarding the consumption of alcohol through political consensus and community engagement, greatly reducing the devastating health and social consequences and improving the quality of life of its citizens.
The first measures were put in place some ten years ago, and positive results are showing. Indeed, monthly drunk-driving injuries fell by almost 40%, and monthly alcohol-related traffic deaths dropped by more than 80%.
Public health officials, policymakers, and community leaders joined forces to respond to this public health crisis. They collected data, published reports, and showcased the reality of the situation. In 2009, a law restricting alcohol advertising was enacted. Brands no longer had the right to advertise directly to young people. In 2013, authorities changed the taxation system. Drinks were taxed in proportion to their alcohol content, pushing consumers to trade high-proof spirits with less alcoholic beverages. Then, the minimum age law was enforced. And finally, the availability of treatment for alcoholic dependence was increased. Counseling centers were opened, and a national helpline was established. Once exemplified by unregulated indulgence in alcohol, Taiwan has become a beacon of responsible drinking.