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Society USA3. September 2020

We Did NOT Get Lonelier in Corona Lockdown, Survey Says

Early research published in the American Psychologist demonstrates that amid the coronavirus pandemic, people did not feel more lonely than before.

Researchers have surveyed a group of people aged 18 to 98 in late January, before the US outbreak, in late March, when social distancing was recommended, and in late April, when confinement was imposed. To the statement “I receive the social and emotional support that I need,” the answers didn’t change significantly. The results were similar in a separate study conducted in the US, the UK and 26 other countries.

Around the world, levels of loneliness have remained stable because isolation doesn’t equate to disconnection nor does it cause loneliness. The pandemic has made people aware and appreciative of their relationships, to the point of prioritizing connections.

Scientific American

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