HealthHealth United Kingdom
Volunteers Help Us Figure Out How We Could Be Immune to Coronavirus
A recent study conducted in the United Kingdom answers a burning question regarding the seeming immunity some individuals have against the coronavirus with findings that could lead to the development of treatments capable of mimicking these natural protective responses.
HealthHealth The World
Game-Changer Lamps Could Neutralize Deadly Viruses (Including Coronavirus!)
Researchers have discovered that the use of far-UVC lamps can reduce pathogen levels by 98% in just a few minutes, meaning that pandemics such as the coronavirus that afflicted us all could soon be a thing of the past.
SocietySociety Mexico
Ancestral Farming Technique Revived (Thanks to the Pandemic!)
When food supplies were disrupted due to the coronavirus pandemic, Mexico’s capital discovered that it could and should rely on an Aztec-era style of farming - and that its revival is not only possible, but necessary for the very survival of the city.
SocietySociety Cambodia
Poverty Rate Drops by More Than Half in Just One Decade
The Southeast Asian country of Cambodia saw its poverty rate decline significantly over the last decade or so, a decrease that is consistent with the authorities’ commitment to reducing at least 1% of the poverty rate each year.