Photo Credit: Courtesy of Zoo Wrocław

Animals Poland7. November 2024

Four Newborns for One of the World’s Rarest Tigers

Four healthy births of one of the world’s rarest and most endangered animals become a significant conservation success story.

“The birth of four Sumatran tigers is the greatest breeding success in recent years and an unprecedented event – a true global sensation. I applaud the efforts of the zoo’s staff […] whose work ensures the young develop healthily and contribute to the conservation of this endangered subspecies,” says Wrocław’s Mayor, Jacek Sutryk.

Sumatran tigers are critically endangered, with an estimated 400 individuals left. Poaching and habitat loss have led to a significant decline in numbers, but these four most recent births are considered a major success for the subspecies. Three males and one female comprise the newborn tiger pack – all growing strong and healthy. They will eventually be able to help continue to develop the Sumatran tiger population across European zoos.

Zoo Wroclaw

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