A popular beach in San Diego, California has been closed to the public in an effort to protect vulnerable sea lions after reports show visitors have been getting too close – and even harassing – the marine mammals.
“We moved on this quickly to reduce prolonged conflict and confusion. This closure is keeping the public safe, it equips our rangers with enforcement capability, and it maintains historic access to the ocean [for] those that want to use it,” explains Joe LaCave, a San Diego council member whose district includes the Point La Jolla.
Human interaction with sea lions and their offspring can result in injury to both, aggressive behavior from the adult sea lions, and even the abandonment of the young marine mammal by the parent. In a unanimous vote, the San Diego City Council has closed about 150 yards of coastline to people and dogs for at least the next seven years. They have assured, however, that people may still access the ocean and even observe the sea lions from behind barriers – ensuring greater protection for the animal while simultaneously guaranteeing locals can still access this popular beach.