Rural electrification. Photo Credit: Mwananchi Communications Limited
Society TanzaniaEveryone’s Getting Electricity a Year Ahead of Schedule Here
By June 2024, Tanzania is set to provide all rural villages nationwide with electricity.
“The implementation of the project has currently reached an average of 73 percent, and we are confident that all villages will be fully electrified by June 2024,” says the acting director of the Rural Energy Agency (REA), Mr. Johnes Olotu.
The electrification of all villages in the country marks the culmination of a journey that began three decades ago and is set to be completed one year ahead of schedule. The Tanzanian government has collaborated with the World Bank to finance the staggering Sh1.58 trillion needed to fund the project. Though not all islands and hamlets are currently involved in the initial project, more funding and infrastructure are in the works to ensure that every Tanzanian has access to electricity shortly.