Fossil Fuels
- Environment
Environment Finland
Record Highs in “Green” Electricity Production
Fossil-free and domestically produced electricity has reached record highs in Finland, making way for renewable energy sources, most notably wind power, to provide most of the country’s consumption needs, which decreased by more than 6%.
- Environment
- Environment
- Environment
Environment USA
1.5 Million Electric Cars Here, Two Years Ahead of Schedule
Due to proper policy standards and optimal market conditions, California, the United States, now has 1.5 electric vehicles on its roads two years ahead of schedule, a positive feat for the Golden State whose goal is to have 100% of EVs by 2035.
- Environment
- Environment
- Environment
Society United Kingdom
“Declaration of Conscience”: Lawyers Sign to Support Peaceful Protesters in Their Fossil Fuel Fight
Top lawyers in the United Kingdom have defied the bar in a vow to not prosecute peaceful climate protesters nor support new fossil fuel projects, putting the very future of our planet before one of their profession’s golden rules.