The lost wetlands project will reconnect wetlands to their rivers in Cheshire. Photo Credit: Natural England
Environment EnglandWildlife Gets a Big Recovery Boost Here
Six different nature projects have been kicked off in England to boost wildlife recovery and mitigate the effects of climate change, among others.
“Once common wildlife such as water voles, great crested newts, and lapwings will be able to thrive, local communities will benefit from closer connections with nature,” says Ginny Hinton, Natural England area manager.
7.4 million pounds have been allocated by the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs for the six recovery projects that will cover around 176,000 hectares of land, including the Tees Estuary, South Downs, and the Lost Wetlands in Cheshire and Lancashire. Many of these areas were lost to industrialization and urbanization, with the project aiming to reverse that, providing better habitats for wildlife, improving overall water quality, and boosting local access to nature.